Relocate Heating and Air Conditioning
Many San Diego homeowners choose to relocate heating and air conditioning system. When you re-locate your HVAC system you can use the valuable “hidden” space in mechanical closet. We specialize in central heating and air conditioning relocate into attic or crawlspace jobs. When you relocate your central air system into the attic you ultimately get a more efficient heating and cooling unit. The additional square footage you obtain is certainly the main benefit but what a lot of homeowners don’t realize is they are making the central air system more effective.
Attic or Crawlspace
Located in the attic or crawlspace puts the FAU (forced air unit) in a central location and this allows for great airflow distribution. When you have a HVAC system designed correctly the units airflow can take the path of least resistance. The central air unit becomes more energy efficient by do this. With your home comfort system relocated into the attic or crawlspace most of the supply air duct runs end up being shorter. By using less supply air ducting your central air conditioning unit will heat and cool quicker. When your ac system runs less you save energy.
With Southern California real estate being so valuable it can be really nice to gain the hidden square footage from that hallway closet where furnace or air handler is located. Most heating and air conditioning relocate into attic jobs take 3 to 4 days to complete. First, the ductwork will need to be modified for the new central air location. Then the air conditioning refrigeration lines, drain lines, and electrical circuit will need to be moved as well.
Relocate Heating and Air Conditioning Experts
ACS/ American Comfort Services takes care of all of the necessary work needed to have a fully operational heating and cooling system. This includes all of the electrical, plumbing, and mechanical modifications required. If you or someone you know is considering relocating the heating and air conditioning system into attic or crawlspace you can contact us for a free estimate. All of our ac installation and re-locate work is covered by our lifetime craftsmanship guarantee and 100% satisfaction guarantee.
ACS/ American Comfort Services | (619) 501-2636 |